~*~ The Silence of my Soul ~*~

"The days fly by so fast .. enjoy fully and live, love .. ** breathe ** every moment as if it was your first and not your last!" - Me, 1/30/06

My Photo
Location: On the Bore-der of Dallas, Texas, United States

I am elegant pain unleashed to reveal the sometime sorrowed soul that hides within .. only a few to reach "me" now. I dare you.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I am feeling so much more at ease. My littlest one's Grandmother has a laptop I have been valiantly trying to salvage and update/upgrade and I believe I will be able to sign on and at least check e-mails and do marginal updates as I can. My oldest one loaned me their laptop .. which is vastly superior in make, model and mb's .. so I'm hoping I'll be able to go back to playing Pogo games too. LOL!

Anyway, life is good when you're not cut off - entirely it feels like sometimes - from the world.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Bright .. stark and beautiful. Hot days coalescing into balmy evenings. Mmm .. the sheen of sweat cleansing my pores as my mind sheds the grey and gray as much as I can. Even without reading the tarot I know that clarity and richness are in the cards for me now. I AM the Sunflower Goddess and I will be strong, beautiful and everlasting.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A little excited and exhuberant ::grin::

.. to my finding ways to ensure a stronger relationship - mostly with my "soul" self - going forward in the future. So am updating the previous post with a little more selection in my boldings and pretty much tailoring it to take as much of the bitterness out as I can. My idea was to show my progressing and not my regressing again. I'll strive to be more careful in the future while at the same time keeping myself emboldened to share and not withdraw.

For myself and everyone in my life I am going to keep making my life better. My love to everyone.

Addicted to ..

.. Dr. Phil. I have started watching, and listening, to many of the fun and powerful statements - ideals and ideas Dr. Phil has to offer to the world. His web-site, "drphil.com" really has some good information on it regarding all aspects of a persons life. I just thought I'd share one of the ones I found that I found really cool.

Pretty much from this point onward I'm going to seek some help in recognizing things in me that might be negative with help from external sources. The only way to grow is to keep learning .. and I always was one to keep pushing buttons, keep striving and struggling to make things better. The old adage, "If it ain't broke .. don't fix it" never really worked all the time for me because we - as progressively stronger individuals - are beginning to understand .. sometimes "practice does make perfect" and building a healthy, strong and "coupled" relationship is like growing a business.

What you put into it is what you get out of it. I have to be able to help enrich my partner and our relationship and it is a reasonable expectation that my partner will do the same. If I cannot - or my partner also - then a dissolution of the partnership is likely the best option for all. As long as we've tried everything to work things out. "As partners".

Dr. Phil is one of the best "Emotional Teachers" I've found "for someone like me" - who is not all that good at understanding relationships and myself. I just wished there were more like him around .. honest, frank, objective, comfortable and a good role model for those of us .. human. Besides maybe being free and/or low cost .. LOL!

Ten Relationship Myths

Think your relationship is a failure because you and your partner aren't following certain "rules" or meeting certain standards? Dr. Phil blows the whistle on 10 of the most common but dangerous relationship myths. ** Note: I had thought so .. but am learning that I was wrong**


* You will never see things through your partner's eyes because you are two entirely different people. You are genetically, physiologically, psychologically and historically different.
* You will not solve your relationship problems by becoming more alike in your thinking.
Men and women are wired differently. Attempting to blur your fundamentally different viewpoints is unnatural and even dangerous.
* Recognize that a relationship is far more enjoyable when you're with someone who enriches your life, not simply reflects it. Appreciate your differences.


* Yes, your life with your partner should include plenty of romance. But don't kid yourself and expect an unrealistic Hollywood fairytale. The truth is that in the real world, being in love is not like falling in love.
* Falling in love is only the first stage of love. It's impossible to remain in that stage. A mature relationship will shift from dizzying infatuation to a deeper, more secure love.
* Don't make the common mistake of thinking that when the initial wild passion fades you aren't in love anymore. The answer is not to start a new relationship so you can recapture that emotional high with someone else. The answer is to learn how to move on to the next stages of love for a different but richer experience.


* Don't fall into the trap of believing that you and your partner can't be happy if you can't resolve your serious disagreements. Ninety percent of problems in a relationship are not solvable. **Note: I've been trying to be more objective to my relationships - current and past - to really figure out what was "really" a serious issue and what has just been an irritation. A lot of things turned out to be irritations and not really serious. I'm sorry, y'all.**
* There are things that you and your partner disagree about and will continue to disagree about. Why can't you once and for all resolve these issues? Because in order to do so, one of you would have to sacrifice your values and beliefs. **Note: Different belief systems .. hard to take and swallow .. "but" I thought I had been doing that as much as possible with everyone in my life.**
* You can simply agree to disagree and reach "emotional closure" even though you haven't reached closure on the issue.


* There is nothing wrong with your relationship if you don't share common interests and activities.
* If you and your partner are forcing yourselves to engage in common activities but the results are stress, tension and conflict, don't do it!


* Don't be afraid to argue because you think it's a sign of weakness or relationship breakdown. Even the healthiest couples argue. **Note: BUT you need to learn "how to" argue .. like I wish there was a book called, "Couples Arguing for Dummys". Dr. Phil?"
* If approached properly, arguing can actually help the relationship by (a) releasing tension and (b) instilling the sense of peace and trust that comes from knowing you can release feelings without being abandoned or humiliated.
* Instead of worrying about how many times you argue, worry about how you argue. Here are some guidelines:
1) Don't abandon the issue and attack the worth of your partner during an argument. **Note: I'm sorry but I have done this. And was deeply ashamed of myself after. It's not something I'd ever done before either.**
2) Don't seek conflict because it's stimulating. **Note: Yeah, same here again. I get pretty hot-headed sometimes too."
3) Don't pursue a take-no-prisoners approach in your arguments.
4) Don't avoid achieving emotional closure at the end of an argument.


* Getting things off your chest might feel good, but when you blurt something out in the heat of the moment, you risk damaging your relationship permanently. Many relationships are destroyed when one partner can't forgive something that was said during uncensored venting.
* Before you say something you might regret, bite your tongue and give yourself a moment to consider how you really feel. The things we say while we're letting loose often don't represent how we really feel and shouldn't be communicated — especially if they are potentially destructive. **Note: Again something I never did before .. and a habit I am deeply sorry I ever picked up. Bad habits can be gotten rid of though and this is what I'll do."


* The belief that sex is not important is a dangerous and intimacy-eroding myth. Sex provides an important time-out from the pressures of our daily lives and allows us to experience a quality level of closeness, vulnerability and sharing with our partners.
Sex might not be everything but it registers higher (90 percent) on the "importance scale" if it's a source of frustration in your relationship. If your sex life is unfulfilled, it becomes a gigantic issue. On the other hand, couples that have satisfying sex lives rate sex at only 10 percent on the "importance scale."

* Don't restrict your thinking by considering sex to be something that only consists of the actual physical act. Touching, caressing, holding hands and any means by which you provide physical comfort to your partner can all be viewed as part of a fulfilling sex life. **Note: I didn't really "know" about this part until my recent relationship. I never really *made love* until then and understood how much I truly need that deep and intimate connection to another living person.**


* Nobody's perfect. As long as your partner's quirks are non-abusive and non-destructive, you can learn to live with them. **Note: I'm a little Obsessive Compulsive now and guess - after this past year or two - have felt the need for perfection in myself and in everyone else too.**
* Instead of focusing on your partner's shortcomings, remember the qualities that attracted you in the first place. Perhaps some of these idiosyncrasies were part of the attraction? Just because a behavior isn't mainstream, doesn't mean that it's toxic to the relationship. **Note: This one I had a lot of getting used to. I "definitely" am not good at this part.**
* Be careful to distinguish the difference between a partner with quirks and one with a serious problem. Serious problems that are destructive and abusive include substance abuse and mental/physical abuse. Unlike idiosyncrasies, these are not behaviors you should learn to live with.


* Nothing could be further from the truth. There is no definitive "right way" to be a good spouse, good parent, or to handle any relationship challenge that life throws you.
* Do what works for you rather than following some standards you might have read in a book or heard from a well-meaning friend. If what you and your partner are doing is generating the results you want, stick with it. If both of you are comfortable with the principles that work, you can write your own rules.
* Remember not to be rigid about the way in which you accept your partner's expressions of love. There is no "right way" for someone to love you. The fact that your partner expresses feelings differently doesn't make those feelings less genuine or of less value. **Note: I believe that every one of my partners has loved me .. but I am mature enough - at least in the past - to know when we just have irreconcilable differences. I'm trying not to break right now under all my strain and drain away .. so this may change in the future.**


* Don't fall into the trap of believing that if you could change your partner, your relationship would be better. You are, at the very least, jointly accountable for the relationship.
* Let go of the childlike notion that falling in love means finding someone who will be responsible for your happiness. You need to take responsibility for your own happiness.
* If your relationship is distressed, the most important person for you to change might be yourself. Once you identify the payoffs you are subconsciously seeking with destructive behavior, you can choose to remove them from your life. **MOST Important Note: I have been reviewing my "self" and my "actions" recently to try and change my own personal negative habits and behavious - for the long haul and not just a quick fix.**

Friday, June 03, 2005

Just a thought ..

It's hard to say who the true and real me is at this moment in time as my life has been changing, quickly and dramatically, every single day for the last year and a half. I had thought I was finally on a placid lake of consistency - which I have yearned for since I was a child - but found it was actually an ocean of chaos.

Do you know that moment when life seems to swivel, swirl and settle amidst the sanguine sweetness of youth surpassed and decayed decadent wisdom come to be?

Have you gripped it? Have you brought it to your lips and ground it between your teeth - in savagery - to better be able to rape its last taste into your spirit?

Have you caressed it? Cajoled it close and allowed it to sweep away the traces of bitter reason and treason left within your heart from elsewhere?

Have you let it slip away? Lost among the shadows of your former selves? Lost among the weak, the liars, cheats, scoundrels? Lost among the forgotten who have come to pass and who will never be again?

Or do you hold it now, surreptitiously, as fragile as the delicate wings of a whizzing hummingbird? Hoping for a chance .. hoping you don't fumble it as you have done every other time .. and shatter it .. bleed it .. breed the broken pieces until there is nothing left but pain and sorrow once again.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Recent Releases

Requiem for a Lost Soul

Softly the sing-song chatter of existence ceases ..
Hushed now for the passing of the light ..
Burning, yearning, tortured screams fade away ..
Shadowed soul lost ..
cold and tossed ..
all alone.

No grief to bear or heart to sweep ..
No love to conquer the folly and fallacy of time ..
To add more sand .. rushing flow, oh overflow ..
Until the whispered memory of "being" becomes forever ..




5/16/05 9:43 PM
~ and ~


Obscure my sight, staring into the sun ..
Wondering why, all we do is run.

From the past, from the now, from the yet to be ..
From our hearts, from the good, from eternity.

Shake my head, as I breathe deep and sigh ..
Slide on the shades, no-one to see me cry.

And if no-one sees me cry .. do I?
And if no-one sees me die .. do I?


"Money for nothin' and chicks for free"

Wow! So I wrote some stuff and put it on my web-site and then took it off because it was really bitter and hard. I feel hurt and get angry and then blast my way out from my internal hell place to pour it upon the world as if I was in medieval days tossing the bedpan contents from a 2nd story window. Some of it is definitely how I feel .. some of it is just sewage that overfills and spews free. I'm putting it here for a moment in time so I can really come back at it as if it were someone elses creation. Like .. written down it shows a different perspective than what's stuck in my head a lot of times? **Update: 6/5/05 .. so .. I took away the bitter, or all that I can "feel" is bitter and am keeping my ideal .. I think I'm going to update these posts as my world, external and internal, changes .. hopefully all for the better now. These past few years have had so many tremendous hurts and bad spots it's kind of surprising - now to me - that I even held on as well as I have. And that I am even alive today. I know it was mostly thanks to BJ, Cassandra, my Mom, Meghan, MacKenna, Katie-did and Jakky. I love you guys .. thanks so much for everything .. ::grin:: I know most of y'all will never see this but it has to be said. For me.**

I feel like relationships are more than "I love you". There should be total communication, sharing, baring, wear, fair and fare through "thick and thin", "Sickness and Health", up and down. A true committment and togetherness .. being part of a world with each other. A unity of self, soul and spirit with only your partner even when the going gets rough. Working, and walking, through the hurts to the happy. Trying to fix the parts that are broken .. even if its not you that's broken. Sticking it out as part of a "couple".

A single person dating is free to be as they wish, with whomever they wish and whenever they wish. Coming and going without questions or notice. Dropping a man or woman as soon as it gets rough. No committment to all aspects of their life, no commingling of their life with their "date", no giving of their deep personal self.

If someone shares their deepest totality with someone other than you then you are not in a relationship, they are .. and you are single. If someone is not "allowed" to "be with you" at any time and in every sense of the word because of another person .. then they are with the other person still .. and you are single.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sad Songs Make Me Cry

Aww .. just heard a new song on the radio .. music is pretty sad too

Artist: Blake Shelton
Song Title: Goodbye time lyrics

It's your life, you say you need a change
Don't all the dreams we've seen come true mean anything
You say it's different now and you keep staring at the door
How can you walk away, don't I matter anymore.

If being free is worth what you leave behind
And if it's too late for love to change your mind
Then it's goodbye time.

If we had known our love would come to this
We could have saved our hearts the hurt of wasted years
Well it's been fun what else can I say
If the feelings gone words won't stop you anyway.

If being free is worth what you leave behind
And if it's too late for love to change your mind
Then it's goodbye time

In this moment
