~*~ The Silence of my Soul ~*~

"The days fly by so fast .. enjoy fully and live, love .. ** breathe ** every moment as if it was your first and not your last!" - Me, 1/30/06

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Location: On the Bore-der of Dallas, Texas, United States

I am elegant pain unleashed to reveal the sometime sorrowed soul that hides within .. only a few to reach "me" now. I dare you.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Let her cry ..

.. if the tears fall down like rain.

Odd to suddenly burst into tears .. an overwhelming assault of sorrow crushing me almost with its staggering depth. If it's someone I'm bonded to .. and you ever read this .. oh man, I am so sorry for your pain. This really, really is impacting me to the point of sobbing and altering me from the absolute joy I have been feeling for so much time now.


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