~*~ The Silence of my Soul ~*~

"The days fly by so fast .. enjoy fully and live, love .. ** breathe ** every moment as if it was your first and not your last!" - Me, 1/30/06

My Photo
Location: On the Bore-der of Dallas, Texas, United States

I am elegant pain unleashed to reveal the sometime sorrowed soul that hides within .. only a few to reach "me" now. I dare you.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Cool song .. been there, done that .. and it's nothing but a cop out .. I'm all or nothing .. as a real woman should have a real relationship be.

Trent Willmon
On Again Tonight
I'm glad you picked up the phone.
Yeah, I know that we both agreed,
We'd leave each other alone.
We're just wastin' our time,
We know it ain't right.
There's no goin' back, but havin' said that:
I wish you would come over,
An' drink my best bottle of wine.
If you can lay on my shoulder,
An' I can lean on you just one more time.
You can mess up head,
An' mess up my bed,
An' leave before the mornin' light.
I need your on again, off again, on again tonight.
I don't expect things to change.
We've got to get on with our lives.
Space is a beautiful thing,
When you need some room.
I don't know about you, but I'm lonely right now:
I'm just thinkin' out loud.
I wish you would come over,
An' drink my best bottle of wine.
You can lay on my shoulder,
An' I can lean on you just one more time.
You can mess up head,
An' mess up my bed,
An' leave before the mornin' light.
An' I need your on again, off again, on again tonight.
Well, no, I don't care; I can come over there,
An' I can drink your best bottle of wine:
'Cause I need your on again, off again, on again;
Your on again, off again, on again tonight.
Again tonight.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Agnostic and Spiritual, the bible is a book to me, but it does reach out sometimes.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
And my own addition: Love never fails you.

Today's quote (I know it's been a while)

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Jose Addison
Hmm .. I need the first, I have lots of children, family and friends to love and .. welp .. hope is one of those commodities that - on the surface - appears to be totally lost. Then you realize that "I ain't dead yet" feeling every time you wake up, every time you make it through a day, every time you struggle, every time you are put down to rise again, every time you are ground into nothing, every time you are left for dead .. and you know you can survive for another day. Just one more day. Eventually hope will become lost though .. eventually that which doesn't kill you and only makes you suffer will make you stronger. Strong enough to walk away each time without looking back more and more. It just gets easier.
I despise liars, cheaters, thieves, abusers and users. And I've come to despise myself for my requited resig­na­tion that I conspire within me by consorting with any of them because of a deceptively fragile ego and the need to be dedicated, loyal and caring to a bond that grows weaker with each passing lie. Especially when they do not show me the respect enough to not lie about things that are supposedly insubstantial and use the "just your delusions" crap because they don't want to upset me, etc .. What a freakin' MAJOR cop out! If you can't be strong enough to admit to things that would hurt, anger, distance me and instead carry on some facade of truth and innocence like your shit don't stink (Sorry, a Texan term there) then go sell your self-gratifying and pitying sob stories to someone else who'll give a damn.
I think that at this time the idea of spending the rest of my life alone feels 1,000 times better than even another day being miserable because someone has so little respect for me, themselves and for any type of relationship we might share that they lie to me, verbally stab and abuse me and then foist it off as being all my fault. Regardless of the disclaimer of how badly their life is doing .. "What good or evil comes back to you tenfold". I can give and surround someone with my inner goodness and warding but when all the smoke clears all that's left is the person holding the gun. Kill me, kill yourself .. whatever .. it's still by your own hand.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Done ..

.. and done.

Listening to at this moment: Bon Jovi, Have a Nice Day Album

The entire album touches those cords of me that are crying out for "More, More, More" and also "Less, Less, Less" all at once. Screw the world and what anyone thinks is "Proper" .. I've tried to push myself into this tiny box because I was afraid .. afraid of losing .. afraid of the dying .. afraid of being everything I could be .. because it wasn't acceptable to be "Me". Screw it all. I give up .. I give up being someone else .. being something else .. because the "Real Me" isn't perfect.

Bon Jovi - I Want To Be Loved Lyrics
I had a roof overhead
Had shoes on my feet
Sure I was fed, but no-one was there
When I was in need, yeah
So who am I now?
Who do you want me to be?
I can forgive you, but I won't relive you
I aint the same scared kid I used to be
I'm gonna live
I'm gonna survive
Don't want the world to pass me by
I wanna dream
I aint gonna die
Thinking my life was just a lie
I wanna be loved
I wanna be loved
I found a picture
A so called family tree, yeah
I broke all the branches, looking for answers
Don't you know that aint how it's supposed to be
I'm gonna live
I'm gonna survive
Don't want the world to pass me by
I wanna dream
I ain't gonna die
Thinking my life was just a lie
I wanna give
I'm willing to try
Willing to lay it on the line
I wanna be loved
I wanna be
I aint gonna cry
I dont wanna scream
But i got so much left unsaid inside of me
I just wanna be loved
I wanna be loved

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Quick Quote

"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you." - William Arthur

Too many have flattered me in my life that it is hard to believe what is reality versus fantasy.

I take objective criticism well but people being aggressively hostile or vindictively judgemental because we are different or on my own wavelength does nothing but damage. To myself, the respect I normally give someone and to any type of relationship between us - friend or foe.

I exist; therefor I am .. and I enjoy to be wanted, needed, remembered, desired, loved and beloved. Maybe not every moment in a day .. but every moment it counts.

Thank you for your hopeful words today, Katie-did and Jakky, I need them desperately. Always and forever your Sisaroonie and Hoochie-sis, I love you.

Monday, February 06, 2006

~ FYI ~

I'm not going to be able to get on-line for the next few weeks, it appears, unless a miracle happens .. so just wanted to let the world know .. *I'll be baaaaackkk*. ::grins and shrugs::

Friday, February 03, 2006

Is this me?

Gemini Horoscope - 2/3/06

You are continuing your search into the intensity of your shadows -- the uncomfortable places within your mind. Given the choice, you often steer clear of the darkness, yet now there is a powerful attraction. Courage is the key as you will be changed by what you discover; facing the unknown can transform your fear into love.

Possibly me ......................................... no, it is me.

The darkness surrounds me, imbues me .. gnaws its teeth upon my soul as it if were starved for years. As if I have not walked a thousand agonized miles filled with despair, pain and travails. I know it's there and has always been there .. the savagery, the animal instincts, the snarling demoness and raging tigress simmering below the surface.

All things and every thing resides within me and I greet them constantly .. some hidden deeper more than others. But they are still there. The baggage I thought I had left behind, or sent off with the exiting of those that are no longer part of my world, becomes found amongst the rubble of the new obliterations of me.

Some still whole, amazingly, triggering new hurts, angers and unknowns with their weight. The rest are edged weapon sharp .. slicing through the hope, through the joy, through the positive .. with a single swipe without question; delivering blow upon blow of negative feelings. My ragged moans making no difference in their silent shreds.

Questioning myself, questioning others, questioning my life as I *know* it, *perceive* it and *trust* them to be .. a mockery of stability in grandiose proportions.

I feel the goodness, the sweetness, the beauty and wonders of me with a distinct cocaine tang .. a rush, and ebullient, bubbling blood rush to the brain and senses .. but, not always, not enough, not to the extent that where once was a brilliant gleam of diamond-like clarity.

What resides and presides is only the barest glimmer of spark. Cold the heat of me, hot the cold distance .. a reverse Yin-Yang .. a bastardization of inharmonious harmony. So I go left when my spirit yearns for right, I go down when I reach for height. Down, and down, and down until all that is before me escapes true sight .. the spiraling making my entire being nauseous .. to throw up chunks of life's bitter bile.

And my mind, heart, spirit and soul know no rest .. clarity in exhaustion in the end?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Come Away With Me" -- Norah Jones

Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies

I wanna walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
Won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain
Fallin' on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
While I ask is you
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me

Thank you, LadyJaye fot the lyrics and music

One of my favorite things

And the sky rolls across my sight
Blistered tangible feel to my hand
Outstretched to accept this gift
Fragile but intense in its grip

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Letting Go of Love

Have you been dumped, betrayed or left so heartbroken that you didn't ever want to love again? Are you still stuck on an ex and don't know how to move on? And how do you know when it's time to let go and look for love somewhere else?

* If you're "the other woman" who's waiting for a man to leave his lover, don't waste your time. "If he'll do it with you, he'll do it to you," Dr. Phil says. The man you want lacks integrity and can't make a commitment.

* Are your standards too low? Dr. Phil asks a guest who's waiting around for a man that's let her down time and again: "What is it about you that causes you to settle for somebody that you know will cheat on you, know will lie to you, know will make a commitment and then break it? What is it about you that you believe about yourself that you're willing to settle for that?" Recognize that you're settling and that you deserve more. Set a higher standard for yourself.

* Does he really even make you happy? Be honest with yourself about the extent to which he's really meeting your needs. Chances are you're longing for the relationship that you wish it could be, and that you want to be in love with the person you wish he was. Dr. Phil reminds a guest: "There are times when you break up with somebody and you start missing them and you start thinking about all the good things. And then you're back with them for about 10 minutes and you go 'Oh yeah! Now I remember why I hate you!'" Don't kid yourself about what it was really like or glorify the past.

* Don't wait around because you think he's going to change. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so the chance that he's going to ride in on his white horse and do the right thing is pretty slim. Dr. Phil explains, "To the extent that there's some history, you don't have to speculate, you just have to measure."

* Don't put your life on hold. Every minute you spend focusing on your ex is a minute that's holding you back from a better future. Dr. Phil tells his guest, "As long you are obsessed on this guy, you will never put your heart, soul and mind into getting your life in order and starting another relationship if you want one." Set some goals and start putting your life back together.

* Ask yourself: Are you hiding in the relationship so you don't have to face the reality of being on your own? Don't stay with someone because it's comfortable and safe. It may seem more secure, but it's not healthy for you and it certainly won't help you get to a better place. Why would you want to settle and waste your life away just to avoid getting back in the game?

* Be clear with him. "You've got to say not just 'no,' but 'hell no,'" Dr. Phil tells his guest. "'Get out of my life. Stay away from me. Don't call me.'" If you live together, it's time to move out, or you may need to change your phone number. Dr. Phil reiterates: "Do what you have to do." If the circumstances are more complicated or severe, you may need to get a lawyer in order to get child support or to hold him accountable for any other outstanding issues.

* Don't hold all men responsible for the mistake your ex made. Why should he pay for the sins of someone else who may have wronged you?

* Learn to trust again — by trusting yourself. Dr. Phil tells a man who's having a hard time letting women back into his life: "Trust is not about how much you trust one person or another to do right or wrong. How much you trust another person is a function of how much you trust yourself to be strong enough to deal with their imperfections." Have enough faith in yourself to be able to put yourself on the line with someone, without any guarantee of what will happen next. If you're playing the game with sweaty palms, it's because you're afraid of what you can or can't do, or dealing with your own imperfections — it's not about the other person.

* Know that you will get hurt if you're in a relationship. There is no perfect person without flaws. Even a well-intended guy is going to hurt his partner. He's going to hurt your feelings. He's going to say things that you don't want him to say. He's going to do things you wish he wouldn't do and not do things you wish he would do. A relationship is an imperfect union between two willing spirits who say, ''I'd rather be in a relationship and share my life, share my joys, share my fun, share my activities, share my life than do it alone." If you want to be in a relationship, know that getting hurt comes with the territory. You just have to decide that you are durable enough, that you have enough confidence in yourself that you can handle it.

* Don't invest more than you can afford to lose. While it's important to move forward, you need to take things one step at a time. Don't put so much out there that you'll be emotionally bankrupt if things go south.

* Don't beat yourself up. You got through your last experience, you've learned from it, and now it's time to move forward. Dr. Phil tells his guest, "You'll move on and be a champion in your next endeavor as you did in your past ... Life is not a success-only journey. You are going to get beat up along the way."

* Focus on yourself. All of us come into relationships with baggage, but you need to have closure on past experiences before you can start a new relationship with the odds in your favor. Dr. Phil tells a guest who's had trouble with her father, her brother and two previous husbands: "Unless and until you've figured out everything you've got to figure out about that and you get closure, you will never come into a relationship with a fresh and clean heart and mind and expectancy and attitude." You're probably not ready to get into another relationship until you heal the wounds of your past.

* Listen to what he's saying. If he's telling you that you want different things out of life and there's no way you can work as a couple, don't turn his words around into what you want to hear. He's being quite clear.

* Know the statistics. Dr. Phil tells a guest who's waiting for her ex to come around: "There's a 50/50 chance a marriage is going to work if both people are head over heels in love, passionate and willing to climb the mountain, swim the river and slay the dragon to get to each other. That's with everybody crazy in love and running toward each other in that field that we see in the commercials. The problem you've got here is he's running the other way in the field! So if it's 50/50 when you're running toward each other, what do you think it is when the other person is running out of the field and hiding in the woods?"