~*~ The Silence of my Soul ~*~

"The days fly by so fast .. enjoy fully and live, love .. ** breathe ** every moment as if it was your first and not your last!" - Me, 1/30/06

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Location: On the Bore-der of Dallas, Texas, United States

I am elegant pain unleashed to reveal the sometime sorrowed soul that hides within .. only a few to reach "me" now. I dare you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Break of Day or Good Morning to You Too!

Every moment has a story, every voice has a song, everyone wakes up and opens their eyes and views the world in their own way.

Hello, world .. my name is Cherryl Harris. I am 39, fixing to be 40, and I am female , I have 3 wonderful and beautiful loving children, I have been laid off since last April 2nd, 2004, I do eBay auctions, I create ideas, stories, things and things in my mind - on paper - on PC - on doodle pads, and I survive .. wait .. that's important .. I survive. In my own way as best as I know how. Me, Cherryl Harris, survives the ravages and roughness as best as I know how. I am a mature, adult, human being who used to have a lot of brass and balls, strength of character, morals, ethics and personality. I'm working on finding those strengths again. The balls would be ookies too. ::laugh::

When my world dims and life is lost there is only my own soul and spirit to hold accountable for the sorrows and joys I have caused and tried to hold/lose. No-one else will be there to hold my hand after the last heartbeat stops. Except me .. and possibly some God or Goddess I have not managed to offend with my neutrality and immoral morality? ::grin:: Maybe Bacchus, yes? In any case I can only do the best I can and hope that those who know me well understand me, keep me close and never kick me to the curb when I do not follow their persuasion / choice / ideas / ideal. I've been lucky and have friends and family who have been in my life for decades .. as close and distant as our needs be .. but always loving and caring even so. I try to return that as I can and try not to abuse my friendship and contact when things are only at their roughest, irregardless of how Jakky and Katie-did kick my tush for that ::winks and smiles::, but also to send a shout out "just 'cause" from my here and now.

I am not an automaton, I am not a pod person who is the same as anyone else, I cannot be. There can "be" only one. Me. Cherryl. Harris.

Every one of my friends and family and loved ones have their own "quirks" and "differences" and they are not wrong, or bad, or evil .. they just are and you try to "work it, girl ::snapping my finger in a Z formation and doing the *Neck* thing::" with them as best you can. Trying to understand as much as possible and asking/requesting when you don't.

I am so proud of the treasures that I have found in my life .. each one bringing to me many things .. even the past/lost ones because they have given me insights into portions of me I locked away. They have given to me the chance to lose the idealism of youth, of peace, of stationary settling for things that just happen without thought or care. "Non, Je ne Regrete Rien - Edith Piaf".. I do not regret .. however saddened I become or even embittered in some way by some thoughts or emotions I cannot understand within me.

I'm going to make it .. I am going to make it .. I think I can .. I think I can .. I think I can.

So there, world .. ::grinning as I stick out my tongue:: .. eat my shorts! And don't think to send the 3 Fates to tempt me to believe this is all there is for me .. I know it not, I feel it not.


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